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Obama State Dinners: Spend Like He Says, Not Like He Does


Press Release
Obama Administration Claims About Outing of Libyans in Contact with U.S. are False

“The Libyan rights activist who was highlighted by the Obama administration in news accounts as having not been ‘publicly associated with the U.S.’ until the Oversight Committee released documents had actually been brought to the U.S. in December 2011 by the State Department and her trip is highlighted on the Internet."

Press Release
Key Findings in OIG Fast and Furious Report

Justice Department Inspector General: “We concluded that the Attorney General’s Deputy Chief of Staff, the Acting Deputy Attorney General, and the leadership of the Criminal Division failed to alert the Attorney General to significant information about or flaws in those investigations.”

Press Release
IG Report Highlights Holder’s Desire to be Kept in Dark

“When we asked Holder whether he believed that his staff should have informed him sooner about the connection between Fast and Furious and the firearms found at the scene of the Terry shooting, he said that he would not have expected to receive that information..."

A Dismissal of Safety, Choice, and Cost: The Obama Administration’s New Auto Regulations

In the wake of a massive taxpayer-funded bailout and effective government control of General Motors and Chrysler, the Obama Administration took unprecedented action to extract agreement for strict new fuel economy standards from auto manufacturers. This places ideology over science and politics over process. This action has serious consequences for consumers in the choice, cost, and safety of vehicles. While the Obama Administration has told the public and Congress it followed the statutory ...

Report Card on Federal Government Efforts to Track and Manage FOIA Requests

As part of a broader effort to conduct oversight over FOIA to help improve government transparency, on January 25, 2011, Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa sent a letter to 180 entities representing 100 government agencies requesting information about their FOIA tracking systems. The ability and willingness of agencies to submit this information (or lack thereof) served as the basis of an objective evaluation by committee staff of agency FOIA management.