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Post Published: Apr 21, 2009

04-21-2009 – Full Committee Hearing – "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: The Role of State and Local Governments"

Location: Brooklyn, NY

April 21, 2009

Hearing Documents

Hearing Video

4-21-09_Full_Committee_Hearing_Panel_11 4-21-09_Full_Committee_Hearing_Panel_12 4-21-09_Full_Committee_Hearing_Panel_13 4-21-09_Full_Committee_Hearing_Panel_2

Panel 1,1               Panel 1,2                   Panel 1,3                 Panel 2

Ranking Member Issa’s Opening Statement


Mr. Colvin W. Grannum
President, Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation

Mr. Timothy Gilchrist
Sr. Advisor for Infrastructure and Transportation, Office of Governor of New York

Mr. David G. Robinson
Associate Director, Center for Information Technology at Princeton University


Minority Staff Report