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Hearing Hearing Date: April 14, 2015 2:00 pm 2154 Rayburn House Office Build

GAO’s Duplication Report at Five Years: Recommendations Remain Unaddressed

GAO’s Duplication Report at Five Years: Recommendations Remain Unaddressed
April 14, 2015
2:00 pm
2154 Rayburn House Office Build
Full Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

WASHINGTON –On Tuesday, April 14th, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will hold a hearing titled “Government Accountability Office’s Duplication Report at Five Years: Recommendations Remain Unaddressed.” The hearing will examine 24 new areas in the GAO’s 2015 report that could improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the federal government.


  • On April 14, 2015, the GAO will release its fifth annual report on areas of duplication, overlap, and fragmentation within federal government programs. The report also contains areas of potential cost savings and recommendations directed toward Congress and the Executive Branch that could improve government efficiency. The report is required under an amendment by Senator Coburn to the February 2010 debt ceiling legislation and is intended to increase efficiency and accountability in government by better identifying and resolving duplication.
  • Since 2011, the GAO has identified more than 200 areas of federal program fragmentation, duplication, or overlap and areas of other financial inefficiencies. The 2015 report highlights 12 new areas of federal duplication, fragmentation, or overlap and 12 areas of potential cost savings. The report will also show that progress has been made on prior year recommendations through both executive and legislative action, but several concerns still remain.
Witnesses and testimonies: Gene L. Dodaro

Comptroller General of the United States
U.S. Government Accountability Office


Beth Cobert

Deputy Director for Management
The Office of Management and Budget


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