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Letter to Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Melvin Watt Regarding the Use of Fines and Penalties by Executive Branch Agencies

Letter to US Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx Regarding the Use of Fines and Penalties by Executive Branch Agencies

Letter to US Department of Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew Regarding the Use of Fines and Penalties by Executive Branch Agencies

Letter to US Department of Labor Secretary Thomas Perez Regarding the Use of Fines and Penalties by Executive Branch Agencies

Letter to US Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy Regarding the Use of Fines and Penalties by Executive Branch Agencies

Letter to US Department of Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz Regarding the Use of Fines and Penalties by Executive Branch Agencies

Letter to Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chairman Timothy Massad Regarding the Use of Fines and Penalties by Executive Branch Agencies

Letter to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray Regarding the Use of Fines and Penalties by Executive Branch Agencies

Letter to White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough Regarding the Exchange of 5 Guantanamo Bay Detainees for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl

Letter to Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Director Todd Jones Regarding Employee Misconduct Related to Operation Fast and Furious