Issa Calls on FBI Director Mueller to Investigate Allegations that CIA Lied to Members of Congress
Follow-up: Ranking Member Issa sent the following letter requesting the investigation to FBI Director Mueller Thursday morning. Click here for the letter.
WASHINGTON. D.C. – At a hearing today of the House Judiciary Committee that featured testimony from FBI Director Robert Mueller, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member and Judiciary Committee member Darrell Issa (R-CA) called on Director Mueller to initiate an investigation into whether the CIA lied to Members of Congress.
“The Speaker of the House has leveled a very serious charge that calls into the question the credibility of the intelligence briefings members of Congress receive,” Issa, a former member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence said. “Speaker Pelosi has served in the Congress for more than twenty years and is a former member of the Intelligence Committee – she is charging that the integrity of the information members of Congress receive from intelligence agencies is compromised and the FBI should immediately launch an investigation so we can get the truth.”
Name | Document |
Letter Requesting FBI Investigation |