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Post Published: Mar 23, 2009

03-23-2009 – Information Policy – "2010 Census: Assessing the Bureau's Strategy for Reducing the Undercount of Hard-to-Count Populations"

Hearing on “2010 Census: Assessing the Bureau’s Strategy for Reducing the Undercount of Hard-to-Count Populations

March 23, 2009

Hearing Documents

Hearing Video

3-23-09_Information_Policy_Hearing_Part_1 3-23-09_Information_Policy_Hearing_Part_2 3-23-09_Information_Policy_Hearing_Part_3

Part 1                        Part 2                      Part 3

Ranking Member McHenry’s Opening Statement


Mr. Robert Goldenkoff
Director of Strategic Issues, U.S. Government Accountability Office

Mr. Thomas Mesenbourg
Acting Director, U.S. Census Bureau & Co.

Ms. Stacey Cumberbatch
City Census Coordinator, City of New York

Mr. Jeff Tarakajian
Executive Vice President, DRAFTFCB