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Wayne's Story: New EPA Regulations Jeopardize Kansas Jobs


Voices of TN Recovery: DesJarlais Delivers Relief from Pro-Union NLRB Regulation


Press Release
Oversight Committee Releases Report on Obama Green Jobs Program Failures

Shows impacts on U.S. jobs, affordable energy (WASHINGTON) – Facing the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, President Obama has responded with a green jobs agenda as a major component of his recovery strategy. Combined with restrictions on domestic energy production, the net effect has been jobs lost and a failure to even approach his promised goal of creating five million jobs within ten years. That is the conclusion of a new report released today ...

Press Release
Obama Regulations Putting Family Ranchers at Risk

Cattle Rancher Robbie LeValley on Uncertainty, Unintended Consequences of Proposed USDA Regulations WASHINGTON, DC – The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform today released "Voices of Recovery: Robbie's Story," in which 4th generation Colorado rancher Robbie LeValley underscores the job-killing uncertainty family ranchers face under the Obama Administration's 

Voices of Recovery: Robbie's Story of Government Agricultural Regulations


Press Release
New Oversight Committee Report: How the Administrative State has broken President Obama’s Promise of Regulatory Reform

Report documents a flawed, broken process manipulated and exploited in ways that benefit Obama allies (WASHINGTON) – President Obama recently halted the implementation of a controversial job-killing regulation from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), saying he recognized the "importance of reducing regulatory burdens and regulatory uncertainty" in the economy. While the President has spoken about, and even launched an effort to evaluate regulations that ...

Press Release Dispatches from the Road: Western HiWays Story

Western HiWays Bakersfield, CA Western HiWays trucking company headquarters sits among the oil derricks and citrus groves just off Highway 65 in Bakersfield, CA. Its 13 drivers haul everything from building materials to steel, giving life to the industry adage, "If you bought it, a truck brought it." The health of American trucking, which itself supports about 7 million ...

Press Release
Issa Statement on President Obama’s Joint Session Address

WASHINGTON, DC – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) released the following statement tonight regarding President Obama's joint session address: "Tonight, I had hoped that President Obama would offer a new approach to creating jobs and sparking economic growth that showed he had learned from past missteps. What I heard, however, sounded more like a second stimulus than a new approach. "Listening to job creators around the country, ...

Press Release
Will President Obama’s “Son of Stimulus” Produce Same Results as Its Predecessor?

Oversight Chairman Issa Issues Report Outlining Stimulus Consequences, Lessons Learned (WASHINGTON) Is President Obama Doubling Down on Failure? A new analysis released today by House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) documents how the stimulus failed—and even pushed the country deeper into recession—and at what cost. The report said the American people should bear in mind this record as President Obama presents his next economic ...

Press Release
Oversight Chairman Issa Statement on Unemployment Report

WASHINGTON, D.C. -  Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) released the following statement on a federal unemployment report issued today: "Today's unemployment report echoes the sentiments of economic experts: until President Obama and Senate Democrats get serious about cutting spending, easing the regulatory and tax burden, and reducing the deficit, our economy will continue to struggle. "When President Obama addresses Congress next week, he ...