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Post Published: Mar 1, 2010

03-02-2010 – Domestic Policy – "Will NOAA's New Leadership Address Serious Problems In Fishery Law Enforcement?"

Hearing Documents

Hearing Video

3-2-10DomesticPolicyPanel1Pt1 3-02-10DomesticPolicyPanel1Pt2 3-02-10DomesticPolicyPanel1Pt3

Panel 1 Pt. 1                Panel 1 Pt. 2            Panel 1 Pt. 3

3-02-10DomesticPolicyPanel1Pt4 3-02-10DomesticPolicyPanel2Pt1 3-02-10DomesticPolicyPanel2Pt2

Panel 1 Pt. 4           Panel 2 Pt 1              Panel 2 Pt 2

Panel One

Mr. Todd Zinser

Inspector General

Dept of Commerc Office of Inspector General

Ms. Jane Lubchenco, Ph.D.

Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere

Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmostpheric Admin.

Mr. Dale Jones


Office for Law Enforcement, NOAA Fisheries Service

Panel Two

Mr. Stephen Ouellette


Mr. Richard Burgess

Gloucester-based fisherman

Mr. Jim Kendall

New Bedford Seafood Consulting

Former scallop fisherman

Former two-term New England Fishery Council Member

Click here for the OIG Report “Review of NOAA

Fisheries Enforcement Programs and Operations”