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Post Published: Mar 17, 2010

03-16-2010 – Federal Workforce – "Federal Employee Workplace Security"

Hearing Documents

Hearing Video


3-16-10Fed_Workforce_pt_1 3-16-10Fed_Workforce_pt_2

Part 1                         Part 2


Mark Goldstein

Director, Physical Infrastructure Issues

U.S. General Accountability Office

Steven Miller

Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement

Internal Revenue Service

Sue Armstrong

Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary

Office of Infrastructure Proctection, and

Gary Schenkel

Director, Federal Protective Service

National Protection and Programs Directorate

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Guy Cottrell

Deputy Chief Inspector, Operations

United States Postal Inspection Service

Colleen Kelley

National President

National Treasury Employees Union

David Wright

President, Local 918-Federal Protective Service

American Federation of Government Employees

Jon Adler

National President

Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association