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Post Published: Oct 23, 2009

10-27-2009 – Government Management – "IT Procurement and Disposal: Application of the Federal Government's Green Policies in the Life Cycle Management of its IT Assets"

Hearing Documents

Hearing Video


Panel I

Representative Gene Green

Representative Mike Thompson

Panel II

John Stephenson

Direcotr, Natural Resources & Environment, GAO

Casey Coleman

Chief Information Officer, US General Services Administration

James Jones

Principal Deputy Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Panel III

Michael Biddle

President & Founder, MBA Polymers

Gilbert Casellas

VP, Corporate Responsibility & Chief Diversity Officer, Dell Inc.

Rick Goss

VP, Environment & Sustainability, Information Technology Industry Council

Rich Littlehale

Chief Executive Officer,

Jeff Omelchuck

GEC Director and EPEAT Executive Director, Green Electronics Council