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Post Published: Aug 13, 2009

111th Congress Full Committee Hearings


September 30, 2010 – OGR Hearing to examine the circumstances surrounding the recall of medicines produced by Johnson & Johnson/McNeil  Consumer Healthcare


September 23, 2010 – “Transition in Iraq: Is the State Department Prepared to Take the Lead?”


July 29, 2010 – Committee On Oversight And Government Reform Hearing Regarding The Implementation Of Iran Sanctions


July 22, 2010 – Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing to examine the Dept. of the Interior’s oversight of offshore drilling


July 19, 2010 – “Is Brooklyn Being Counted? — Problems With The 2010 Census”

July 1, 2010 – “Cloud Computing: Benefits and Risks of Moving Federal IT into the Cloud”


June 24, 2010 – “Foreclosure Prevention Part II: Are Loan Servicers Honoring Their Commitments to Help Preserve Homeownership?”


June 17, 2010 – “Viral Hepatitis: The Secret Epidemic”


May 27, 2010 – Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing regarding the circumstances surrounding the recall of popular children’s medicines produced by Johnson & Johnson/McNeil Consumer Healthcare


May 20, 2010 – “Running Out of Time: Telecommunications Transition Delays Wasting Millions of Federal Dollars”


May 12, 2010 – “H.R. 4869, the Restroom Gender Parity in Federal Buidlings Act”


April 15, 2010 – “Continuing to Deliver: An Examination of the Postal Service’s Current Financial Crisis and its Future Viability”


March 25, 2010 – “Foreclosures Prevention: Is the Home Affordable Modification Program Preserving Homeownership?”

March 18, 2010 – “Rewarding Bad Actors: Why Do Poor Performing Contractors Continue To Get Government Business?”


March 5, 2010 – “Tracking the Money: assessing the Recovery Act’s Impact on the State of California”


March 4, 2010 – “Prostate Cancer: New Questions About Screening and Treatment”


February 24, 2010 – “Toyota Gas Pedals: Is the Public At Risk?”


January 27, 2010 – “The Federal Bailout of AIG”


December 11, 2009 – “Bank of America and Merrill Lynch: How did a Private Deal Turn Into a Federal Bailout?” Part V”


December 3, 2009 – “Post-Katrina Recovery: Resoring Health Care in the New Orleans Region”


December 2, 2009 – “Will Aribtron’s Personal People Meter Silence Minority Owned Radio Stations?”


December 1, 2009 – ACORN Forum

November 19, 2009 – Tracking the Money: How Recovery Act Recipients Account for Their Use of Stimulus Dollars


November 17, 2009 – “Bank of America and Merrill Lynch: How Did a Private Deal Turn Into a Federal Bailout?” (Part IV)


October 28, 2009 – “Executive Compensation: How Much Is Too Much?”


May 14, 2009 – “Protecting the Public from Waste, Fraud, and Abuse: The Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2009”

May 13, 2009 – “AIG: Where is the Taxpayer’s Money Going?”