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Post Published: Dec 1, 2009

12-03-2009 – “Post-Katrina Recovery: Restoring Health Care in the New Orleans Region”

Hearing Documents


Hearing Video

12-03-2009_Full_Committee_Hearing_Part_1 12-03-2009_Full_Committee_Hearing_Part_2 12-3-09_Post_Katrina_Pt_3

Part 1                    Part 2                          Part 3

Panel I

Cindy Bascetta

Director, Health Care, U.S. Government Accountability Office

Diane Rowland, Sc.D.

Executive Vice President, The Henry J. Kaiser Family

Donald T. Erwin, M.D.

Presdient/CEO, Nephrology, Saint Thomas Community Healht Center

Michael G. Griffin

Daughters of Charity Services of New Orleans, President & CEO

Alice Craft-Kearney, R.N. BSN

Executive Director, Lower 9th Ward Health Clinic

Karen DeSalvo, M.D. MPH MSc

Vice Dean, Community Affairs and Health Policy Covenant House Clinic

Roxane A. Townsend, M.D.

Assistant VP Health Systems, University Hospital, Louisiana State University System

Panel II

Marcia K. Brand

US Department of Health and Human Services

Alan Levine

Secretary, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals

Joia Creer-Perry, M.D. FACOG

Directory of Clinical Services, Health Department City of New Orleans

Clayton Williams, MPH

Director, Louisiana Public Health Institute