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4-20-11 Field Hearing "Regulatory Impediments to Job Creation in the Northeast Part II"

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4-20-11 Field Hearing "Regulatory Impediments to Job Creation in the Northeast Part I"

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4-21-11 Field Hearing "Federal Policies Affecting Innovation and Job Growth in the Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industries"

Hearing Documents   Hearing Video   Witnesses  David Gollaher President and ...

4-19-11 Field Forum "Regulatory Impediments To Job Creation: Assessing The Cumulative Impact Of EPA Regulation On Farmers"

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4-18-11 Field Hearing "Policies Affecting High Tech Growth And Federal Adoption Of Industry Best Practices"

Hearing Documents Hearing Video

Field Hearing “Policies Affecting High Tech Growth And Federal Adoption Of Industry Best Practices”

Jack's Story: Government "All About Regulations"


Press Release
VIDEO RELEASE: Governor Scott Walker on Tackling Wisconsin’s Debt

WASHINGTON, DC – Yesterday, Governor Scott Walker (R-WI) testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on the looming state and municipal government debt crisis. Governor Walker broke down the hearing in a reaction video, discussing his common-sense solutions to Wisconsin's two-year budget deficit of $3.6 billion. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 44 states and ...

Press Release
Issa: Federal Workforce Reforms in Budget will save $375 billion

WASHINGTON - Today the House of Representatives approved the visionary Fiscal Year 2012 budget by a vote of 235-193. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform commented, "The Path to Prosperity budget sets the stage for critical cost-cutting reforms from the federal workforce that reduce the deficit and help grow our economy. The Oversight Committee has estimated that federal workforce reforms put forth in this budget will save ...

Issa: Federal Workforce Reforms in Budget will save $375 billion

WASHINGTON - Today the House of Representatives approved the visionary Fiscal Year 2012 budget by a vote of 235-193. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform commented, "The Path to Prosperity budget sets the stage for critical cost-cutting reforms from the federal workforce that reduce the deficit and help grow our economy. The Oversight Committee has estimated that federal workforce reforms put forth in ...