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AIG: Where is the Taxpayer’s Money Going?

Census History: Counting Every Person Once, Only Once and in the Right Place

This report details the results of a historical analysis of attempted political manipulation of the Census spanning a timeline from before the U.S. Constitution was ratified to the present. The overall conclusion of this analysis is that the political manipulation of the Census or within the Census Bureau has consistently rejected throughout the course of American history.

Report: Political Manipulation of the Census has been Rejected Throughout the Course of American History

Click here to read the hearing.

05-07-2009 – National Security – "GPS: Can We Avoid a Gap in Service?"

Hearing on "GPS: Can We Avoid a Gap in Service?" May 7, 2009 Hearing Documents Hearing Video

GPS: Can We Avoid a Gap in Service?

05-06-2009 – Full Committee Markup

Business Meeting Markups Markup Video

Press Release
House Passes Measure to Create Panel to Investigate Financial Crisis

Calls on Speaker to Protect Bipartisan Balance of Commission WASHINGTON. D.C. – The House of Representatives on a bipartisan vote of 367-59, approved legislation today to create a panel similar to the 9/11 Commission to investigate the causes, handling, and way forward from the current financial crisis. The creation was such a panel was first proposed by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), the Ranking Member of the House Committee ...

House Passes Measure to Create Panel to Investigate Financial Crisis

Calls on Speaker to Protect Bipartisan Balance of Commission WASHINGTON. D.C. – The House of Representatives on a bipartisan vote of 367-59, approved legislation today to create a panel ...

Issa to OGR Committee: ‘Not the Right Time’ for New $850 million Benefit for Federal Employees

WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA), in letters sent last night to House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Members, urged Republican and Democratic Members of the Committee not to support legislation – H.R. 626 – which would create a new $850 million paid parental leave provision for federal employees during a time of economic ...

Issa, Smith Criticize Administration’s Use of ‘Chicago-style’ Tactics to Force Chrysler Deal

WASHINGTON. D.C. – The Ranking Members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to President Obama today expressing concern with the Administration’s use of “Chicago-style enforcement techniques” to force Chrysler bondholders to comply with their plan for restructuring the company.