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The Overview Published: Jul 16, 2021

Comer on Fox News: Biden Family Dealings Don’t Pass the Smell Test

WASHINGTON—House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) joined “The Ingraham Angle” on Fox News calling for President Biden’s family to stop using the White House for personal gain. This follows letters Ranking Member Comer and Oversight Republicans issued to the White House Counsel’s Office and National Archives and Records Administration calling for information related to the Biden family’s efforts to profit from proximity to the White House and policies in place to prevent abuse.

Key excerpts from Ranking Member Comer’s Interview are below.

“We all know about Hunter Biden’s dealings with Ukraine, but here recently: his brother is doing TV ads for a law firm, but he’s not a lawyer; his sister’s writing a book, but she’s not an author; and now we find out that Hunter’s new side gig is he’s an artist, selling art that looks to me like something you would see on the bargain shelf at TJ Maxx for prices as high as $500,000 to undisclosed donors. So, the Republicans on the House Oversight Committee have requested information from the White House about all these transactions, specifically Hunter Biden’s and who exactly is purchasing this artwork at such inflated prices.”

“The problem with what Hunter Biden’s doing is, there are so many questions as to potential conflicts of interest. Are these government contractors that are purchasing this art? Is this Communist China purchasing this art? The American people deserve to know, and a president has ethical standards that they’re supposed to abide by. You’re not supposed to profit from being in the White House. And, when you look at Joe Biden’s family, this is a pattern—a pattern of his siblings, and his son, trying to profit from his last name, dating back to when he was vice president.”