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The Overview Published: Jul 28, 2016

Member Minute – 6/30/16

Take a minute to see what you missed over the past few weeks from members of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee.


Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) discusses the final Benghazi report on Fox News:

Screen Shot 2016-06-29 at 12.53.17 PM


Congressman Buddy Carter (R-GA) supports legislation to stop political targeting by the IRS:


Government Operations Subcommittee Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC) presses to hold OIRA Administrator Shelanski in contempt:


Congressman Gary Palmer (R-AL) celebrates the GOP’s win at the annual Congressional Baseball Game:

Roll Tide Republicans! We won the Congressional Baseball Game last night 8-7!!

A photo posted by Congressman Gary Palmer (@repgarypalmer) on


Subcommittee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) makes the case for impeaching IRS Commissioner John Koskinen: Kos

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