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Post Published: May 13, 2009

05-13-2009 – Full Committee Hearing – "AIG: Where is the Taxpayer's Money Going?"

May 13, 2009

Hearing Documents

Hearing Video

5-13-09_Full_Committee_Hearing_Panel_1_1 5-13-09_Full_Committee_Hearing_Panel_1_2 5-13-09_Full_Committee_Hearing_Panel_2

Panel 1,1                  Panel 1,2                  Panel 2

Ranking Member Issa’s Opening Statement

Panel One

Mr. Edward Liddy
Chairman & CEO, American International Group, Inc.

Panel Two

Ms. Jill M. Considine
Mr. Chester B. Feldberg
Mr. Douglas L. Foshee
Trustees, AIG Credit Facility Trust

Professor J.W. Verret
George Mason University School of Law