Game Changers: Artificial Intelligence Part III, Artificial Intelligence and Public Policy
- Subject
- Game Changers: Artificial Intelligence Part III, Artificial Intelligence and Public Policy
- Date
- April 18, 2018
- Time
- 2:00 pm
- Place
- 2154 Rayburn HOB
- To examine the potential role for the government and the private sector in addressing challenges presented by Artificial Intelligence (AI).
- To consider the merits and costs of the government role in potential solutions to challenges including bias, ethics, global competitiveness, privacy and transparency.
- On February 14, 2018, the Information Technology Subcommittee held the first hearing of a three-part series. During this hearing, the Subcommittee heard from four experts from the private sector and academia.
- On March 7, 2018, the Subcommittee held the second hearing, which featured government witnesses to discuss how their agencies are engaging with AI through research, procurement and applications.
- Our three-part series has identified several potential challenges for industries affected by the widespread adoption of AI technology, focusing on one central question: what is the appropriate role of the government related to these challenges and opportunities?
Witnesses and testimonies:
Gary Shapiro
Consumer Technology Association
Executive Director
Partnership on AI
Postdoctoral Fellow, Cyber Security Project, Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School