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Oversight of FBI and DOJ Actions Surrounding the 2016 Election: Testimony by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Global Threat

PURPOSE: To examine the threat of Muslim Brotherhood to the United States and its interests and how to effectively counter it. BACKGROUND: The Muslim Brotherhood is a radical Islamist organization that has generated a network of affiliates in over 70 countries. The Brotherhood has been designated as a terrorist organization by multiple countries including Eygpt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. ...

Examining the Administration’s Government-wide Reorganization Plan

PURPOSE: To examine the government-wide reorganization plan and to understand Congress' role in evaluating and enacting government reorganization proposals. BACKGROUND: In March 2017, the President issued an executive order directing the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to propose a plan to reorganize governmental functions if redundancy is present and eliminate unnecessary ...

Access to Public Lands: The Effects of Forest Service Road Closures

PURPOSE: To examine how Forest Service policies affect access to public lands, as well as the impacts of road closures on nearby ...

Holding Cuban Leaders Accountable

PURPOSE: To discuss the Administration's Cuba policy, review the 1996 shoot down of the Hermanos al Rescate (Brothers to the Rescue) humanitarian aircraft, and examine human rights violations. BACKGROUND: On February 24, 1996, the humanitarian organization Hermanos al Rescate (Brothers to the Rescue) launched a search and rescue mission for refugees fleeing the oppressive Castro regime in Cuba. Two Cuban ...

Oversight of the FBI and DOJ Actions in Advance of the 2016 Election

PURPOSE: To examine the findings and recommendations contained in the DOJ OIG's report on the events leading up to the 2016 election.

Protecting America from a Bad Deal: Ending U.S. Participation in the Nuclear Agreement with Iran

PURPOSE: To examine the reasons for U.S. withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (widely known as the Iran Deal). To consider policy options for countering Iran's threat to the U.S. and its interests. BACKGROUND: On May 8, 2018, the Administration ended the United States' participation in the Iran Deal. The Administration cited the deal's sunset provisions, weaknesses in the ...

Union Time on the People’s Dime: A Closer Look at Official Time

PURPOSE: To identify official time usage at agencies across the federal government and review problems associated with official time data reporting. To consider official time reforms. BACKGROUND: Under the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, federal labor union employees are authorized to ...

The Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) Scorecard 6.0

PURPOSE: To continue oversight of the federal agencies' implementation of the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA). BACKGROUND: In December 2014, Congress enacted FITARA to promote federal IT modernization and strengthen the federal IT workforce. The Committee worked alongside the Government Accountability Office to develop a scorecard to assess ...

Challenges to the Freedom of Speech on College Campuses: Part II

PURPOSE: To further explore the current state of free speech protections on college campuses and examine first-hand accounts from the perspectives of those at the forefront of the debate. To understand the policies and viewpoints that have enabled suppression of constitutionally protected free speech at institutions of higher education. BACKGROUND: On July 27, 2017, the Subcommittee on ...