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Federal Cybersecurity After the OPM Data Breach: Have Agencies Learned their Lesson?

PURPOSE: To examine information security programs and management at the Department of Agriculture, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the Social Security Administration. To examine these agencies' compliance with the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) and Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement ...

Oversight of the Secret Service

TAKEAWAYS: Adequate compensation for overtime hours worked during the 2016 presidential campaign has not been paid to USSS employees. Chairman Chaffetz introduced legislation (HR 6302) that allows agents to receive additional pay for overtime hours worked during this time. ...

Cybersecurity: Ensuring the Integrity of the Ballot Box

PURPOSE: To understand the scope and scale of cyber threats to the U.S. election system. To discuss efforts underway at all levels of government to secure elections systems against possible cyber threats. BACKGROUND: Elections are administered on a state-by-state and often county-by-county basis. The U.S. Election Assistance Commission is an independent, bipartisan commission that develops ...

Reviewing the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Prohibition on Houseboats

PURPOSE: To review the Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA) proposed policy on houseboats, including the impact of the policy on houseboat owners and surrounding communities. To evaluate the purported water quality improvements TVA contends will result from the policy. BACKGROUND: TVA's Board of Directorsapproved a policy to prohibit new floating houses on all of its reservoirs and to require the ...

Vacant Federal Properties

PURPOSE: To examine properties held by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the statutory requirements for real property disposal. To consider potential legislative solutions for handling vacant federal properties. BACKGROUND: The federal government is the largest single holder of real property in the United States, with more than 273,000 buildings at an operating cost exceeding $18.7 ...

Examining Billion Dollar Waste through Improper Payments

PURPOSE: To examine agency compliance with improper payment laws and the role of Treasury's Do Not Pay Center (DNP) in reducing improper payments. BACKGROUND: The Improper Payments Information Act (IPIA) requires federal executive branch agencies to review all programs and identify those that may be susceptible to significant improper payments. Improper payment estimates across the federal government for ...

Closing the Talent Gap in Federal IT

PURPOSE: To evaluate how private and educational sectors are addressing the talent gap. To explore ways to close the talent gap. BACKGROUND: Modernizing the federal government's IT requires investment in the talent necessary to identify, operate, and innovate federal IT. Recent reports will be discussed during the hearing:

Examining Misconduct and Mismanagement at the National Park Service

TAKEAWAYS: NPS employees and supervisors who have engaged in misconduct or mismanagement have not been held accountable by leadership at the agency. Misconduct often goes unaddressed and perpetuates an environment where bad behavior is condoned or covered up. Current NPS employees testified that a culture of tolerance and acceptance of misconduct plagues the agency. A lack of leadership leads to a hostile work environment including a fear of ...

Examining Preservation of State Department Federal Records

This is a continuation of the hearing that began on September 13, 2016.

Reviewing the Rising Price of EpiPens

House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will hold a bipartisan hearing with officials from Mylan, which dramatically increased its prices for EpiPens.   "There is justified outrage from families and schools across the country struggling to afford the high cost of EpiPens.  We look forward to receiving answers next week from Mylan about its dramatic price hike for this life-saving medication.  We also plan ...