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Pay for Performance: Should Fannie and Freddie Executives Be Receiving Millions In Bonuses?

Chairman Issa Hearing Preview Statement This hearing will examine the validity of bonuses paid out to executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In the aftermath of the financial crisis, President Obama offered direct and pointed criticism of entities that received taxpayer dollars but continued to pay executives millions of dollars in compensation and bonuses calling the payments "obscene" and "shameful." Since entering a conservatorship status, Fannie and ...

How Roadblocks in Public Markets Prevent Job Creation on Main Street

Progress of the Obama Administration’s Policy Toward Iran

Back to the Basics: Is OPM Meeting Its Mission?

Delphi Pension Fallout: Federal Government Picked Winners & Losers, So Who Won and Who Lost?

Chairman Issa Preview Hearing Statement Today’s hearing will examine what happened with the Delphi Pension plan in the midst of the federal government’s bailout of General Motors in 2009.  While the pensions of unionized Delphi workers were largely protected as Delphi went through bankruptcy thanks to guarantees coming from the federal government/GM, non-union salaried Delphi employees saw their pensions greatly reduced.   Delphi – originally a ...

Identity Theft and Tax Fraud: Growing Problems for the Internal Revenue Service

Are Government Contractors Exploiting Workers Overseas? Examining Enforcement of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act

America’s Innovation Challenge: What Obstacles Do Entrepreneurs Face?

The Green Energy Debacle: Where Has All the Taxpayer Money Gone?

Lights Out II: Another Look at EPA’s Utility MACT Rule

Chairman Issa Preview Hearing Statement Affordable and reliable energy has fueled our economic growth for a century. Businesses, consumers, inventors, and entrepreneurs have all relied on cheap energy in order to create new products and services, which they in turn use to creates jobs and grow the economy. But today, government regulators are poised to enact a new set of rules that could dramatically increase the cost that consumers and job creators pay for ...