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Presidential Records in the New Millennium: Updating the Presidential Records Act & Other Federal Recordkeeping Statutes to Improve Electronic Records Preservation

Chairman Darrell Issa Hearing Preview Statement Since the passage of the Presidential Records Act 33 years ago, electronic media and information technology have proliferated across the federal government. Yet Congress has not undertaken a legislative effort to update the law and meet the demands of the digital information age. Three different presidents have issued executive orders to supplement the Presidential Records Act, but each has addressed issues relating to ...

Field Hearing “Federal Policies Affecting Innovation and Job Growth in the Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industries”

Field Hearing “Regulatory Impediments to Job Creation in the Northeast Part II”

Syracuse, NY

Field Hearing “Regulatory Impediments to Job Creation in the Northeast Part I”

Irondequoit, NY

Field Forum “Regulatory Impediments To Job Creation: Assessing The Cumulative Impact Of EPA Regulation On Farmers”

Field Hearing “Policies Affecting High Tech Growth And Federal Adoption Of Industry Best Practices”

Improper Payments: Finding Solutions

The Border: Are Environmental Laws and Regulations Impeding Security and Harming the Environment?

Tsunami Warning, Preparedness, and Interagency Cooperation: Lessons Learned

State And Municipal Debt: Tough Choices Ahead

Chairman Darrell Issa Hearing Preview Statement Thursday's Full Committee hearing builds on the work of our Subcommittee on TARP, Financial Services and Bailouts of Public and Private Programs, Chaired by Representative Patrick McHenry. These hearings have taken a hard look at the severity of fiscal problems faced by states and municipalities, examples of reforms that could put governments on sustainable paths, and the role the federal government has played in ...