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Post Published: Jun 24, 2010

Issa Applauds 1,000,000 YouCut Votes to Curb Federal Spending

WASHINGTON, DC – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) today released the following statement on the millionth YouCut vote.  Project YouCut allows citizens to vote each week on wasteful programs to cut from the federal budget.  House Republicans then bring the winning cut to the floor for a vote. 


“The success of YouCut underscores the anger of the American people about the bailouts and runaway spending of this Congress and Administration,” said Rep. Issa.  “I congratulate Republican Whip Cantor, his staff, the many Members who have supplied ideas for spending cuts and the American people who have now cast 1 million votes and made this new effort successful.”  

