Issa Questions General Motors on Inappropriate Political Interference in Business Decisions
WASHINGTON. D.C. – Rep. Darrell Issa (CA), the Ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee today in a letter to General Motors (GM) CEO Frederick Henderson asked GM to answer questions and provide material related to inappropriate political interference influencing the bailed out automaker’s business decisions.
“The politicization of GM’s operations will almost certainly hurt the American taxpayers, who have invested $51 billion in your company,” wrote Issa. “The American people have a right to know that their money is being spent wisely and is not being used to satisfy the narrow interests of individual politicians or special interest groups.”
The letter requests documents, records, and explanations related to GM’s decision to delay the closing of a Massachusetts facility two days after meeting with the Member of Congress who represents the district where it is located and the decision to select a Michigan location over one in Tennessee for production of a new subcompact automobile. According to news accounts, GM cited “community impact” and “carbon footprint” as factors that led to the selection of the Michigan site. A member of the executive board of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation told press that the Tennessee location would have been the best pure business decision for GM and noted, “It tells you that there’s some politics going on here.”
Click here to read Rep. Issa’s letter.