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Press Release Published: Aug 6, 2015

Chaffetz Renews Call for Removal of OPM CIO Donna Seymour

IG memo highlights additional transgressions

WASHINGTON—House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) sent a letter today to U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Acting Director Beth Cobert in follow-up to a July 22, 2015 Inspector General (IG) memo. In the memo, the IG advises the Acting Director that “there have been situations where actions by the [Office of the Chief Information Officer] OCIO have interfered with, and thus hindered, the OIG’s work. Further, the OCIO has repeatedly provided the OIG with inaccurate or misleading information.”

In his letter to Ms. Cobert, Chairman Chaffetz reiterates the need for CIO Donna Seymour to be removed from her position:

“It has been two weeks since the IG informed you of these serious transgressions and Ms. Seymour is still in a position of trust at the agency.  Ms. Seymour has already failed the American people with her inability to secure OPM’s networks, and to learn that her office may be actively interfering with the work of the Inspector General only adds insult to injury. 

As Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, the committee of jurisdiction for OPM, I urge the immediate removal of Ms. Seymour from her position.” 


Since the OPM data breach first came to light, Chairman Chaffetz has expressed the need for Ms.  Seymour to be removed. On June 26, along with 17 Members of Congress, Chairman Chaffetz made a public call for Ms. Seymour’sremoval.