Chaffetz Statement on Senate IRS Targeting Report
Bipartisan Finance Committee report supports need for Commissioner’s removal
WASHINGTON—House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) issued the following statement today upon release of the Senate Finance Committee’s bipartisan report on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) targeting scandal:
“This bipartisan report is a helpful addition to our own ongoing investigation. It supports the fact that Commissioner Koskinen provided false statements to Congress. Further, when given the opportunity to clarify the record, Mr. Koskinen did not. There must be accountability for misleading and providing false statements to Congress.
“The fact remains that the IRS destroyed documents despite a duly issued subpoena. Again, despite a Congressional subpoena and an internal preservation notice, the IRS destroyed documents. That is unacceptable. The average American could never behave in such a way without severe consequence. The standard should be no different for the IRS.
“While Koskinen’s misdeeds are numerous, the report correctly highlights one of the more egregious examples in the IRS’s scheme to hinder the congressional investigation into the targeting scandal. For months the IRS withheld information from Congress that many of Lois Lerner’s emails were missing and destroyed. Failing to disclose such critical information is deliberate obstruction and it cannot be tolerated.
“Incompetence and poor management has prevailed at the IRS for far too long. Commissioner Koskinen has proven he is unable to lead the agency and he must be removed. I, along with 51 other Members of Congress, look forward to hearing back from President Obama on our call for new leadership at the IRS.”
Last week, Chairman Chaffetz, along with 51 members of Congress sent a letter to President Obama calling for the removal of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. Additionally, the Oversight Committee released a video outlining a timeline of key events in the targeting scandal.
Related stories:
The Republicans Might Be Right About IRS Commissioner John Koskinen – Forbes
IRS Chief Must Go – Newsmax