Clinton-Appointed Judge Imposes Injunction on Congressional Ban on ACORN Funding
WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) released the following statement regarding Judge Nina Gershon’s ruling to impose a preliminary injunction on the continuing resolution enacted by Congress that bars ACORN and its affiliates, subsidiaries, and allied organizations from receiving federal funding from the government.
“On the same day that ACORN’s violation of Delaware state lobbying laws was revealed, a liberal, Clinton-appointed activist Judge has ruled to usurp the prerogatives and authority of the United States Congress. This left-wing activist Judge is setting a dangerous precedent that left-wing political organizations plagued by criminal accusations have a constitutional entitlement to taxpayer dollars. The Obama Administration should immediately move to appeal this injunction.” Earlier today, as part of House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Ranking Member Darrell Issa’s (R-CA) ongoing investigation into the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now’s (ACORN) lobbying and election activities, the Delaware State Public Integrity Commission responded to a letter of inquiry sent by Issa revealing that “no person has ever registered to represent any of the ACORN affiliates identified in the Committee’s letter” and that after being notified that a “lobbyist must register” they had yet to do so while still engaging in lobbying activities. The Public Integrity Commission has subsequently sent a certified letter to Delaware ACORN “stating that the law provides that the Public Integrity Commission can refer suspected violations of the lobbying law to the Attorney General for investigation and prosecution. The matter will be on the Commission’s agenda for its December 15, 2009 meeting.” “After being notified of their failures to adhere to state lobbying laws, Delaware ACORN has ignored state law while still engaging in lobbying activities,” Issa said. “This is another example of ACORN’s blatant disregard for the law. ACORN continues to submit fraudulent filings while failing to abide by the lobbying and election rules while claiming to be a community organization that operates within the boundaries of the law – nothing could be further from the truth.” |