Comer: Democrats Refuse to Hold Governor Cuomo Accountable
New report finds the governor’s deadly order resulted in additional deaths and should have been reversed sooner
WASHINGTON—Following a new report from the New York State Bar Association finding Governor Andrew Cuomo’s deadly nursing home order resulted in more deaths and should have been ended sooner, House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) today blasted Democrats for their continued refusal to hold Governor Cuomo accountable:
“It’s been over 100 days since we first called on Chairwoman Maloney to force Governor Cuomo to answer under oath about his decision to send contagious patients into nursing homes and ensuing cover-up. For over a year, Republicans have repeatedly demanded accountability and transparency while blowing the whistle on Governor Cuomo’s actions. We know Governor Cuomo’s administration intentionally withheld the state’s nursing home death toll from the Department of Justice. We also know the Governor has made threats against anyone who crosses him. And now the New York State Bar Association reports his order needlessly resulted in additional deaths.
“How much more evidence do Democrats need before they act to hold Governor Cuomo accountable? The Oversight and Reform Committee has a duty to root out government abuse and prevent it from happening again. Governor Cuomo’s actions and lies are ripe for congressional oversight, and it’s past time Democrats compel Governor Cuomo’s testimony. We owe it to the thousands of families who lost loved ones to hold accountable anyone whose reckless policies may have contributed to their deaths.”
On February 24, 2021, Ranking Member Comer and all Oversight Republicans called on Chairwoman Maloney to issue subpoenas for Governor Cuomo’s testimony before the Oversight Committee and for the documents, information, and communications Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis Republicans have requested repeatedly from Governor Cuomo related to his order mandating contagious coronavirus patients to be admitted to nursing home and long-term care facilities. Chairwoman Maloney has not responded to the request.
On March 5, 2021, Ranking Member Comer joined other Republican leaders urging their Democrat counterparts to hold a joint hearing regarding the undercounting of COVID-19 deaths in New York nursing homes. Democrats have not responded to the request.