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Press Release Published: Apr 6, 2023

Comer Slams the Biden Administration’s Excuses for the Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal

WASHINGTON—House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) issued the following statement on the Biden Administration’s review of the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal and announced a full committee hearing on April 19, 2023:

“The American people are owed answers about the Biden Administration’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal but all they are getting are excuses from this Administration. President Biden and his administration made several blunders during the withdrawal that led to the deaths of 13 servicemembers, left Americans stranded, and allowed U.S. military equipment to fall into the hands of the Taliban. Since the withdrawal, the Biden Administration has been slow to provide information to Congress and has even obstructed the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction’s (SIGAR) congressionally mandated investigations.

“On April 19, the House Oversight Committee will hold a hearing with SIGAR as well as Inspectors General for the Department of Defense, Department of State, and U.S. Agency for International Development to examine their work on the factors that led to the collapse of Afghanistan. Unlike this Administration, House Republicans will continue to get the answers the American people deserve.