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Press Release Published: Jan 12, 2016

Committee Approves Federal Personnel Reform Bills

WASHINGTON—Today, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a markup to consider five pieces of legislation, including several proposals enacting federal personnel reforms. The following actions were taken by the Committee:

  • HR. 1671, the Government Neutrality in Contracting Act (Rep. Mulvaney, R-SC);
    • The bill was approved by voice vote.
    • Repeals Executive Order 13502 providing agencies the authority to require project labor agreements on federal government construction projects;
    • Ensures the federal government remains neutral toward labor relations of contractors and expands job opportunities.
  • HR. 3023, To amend title 5, United States Code, to modify probationary periods with respect to positions within the competitive service and the Senior Executive Service (SES) (Rep. Buck, R-CO);
    • The bill was approved in a recorded vote. (20-16)
    • Ranking Member Cummings (D-MD) offered an Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (ANS) which would strike the bill and require GAO to conduct a study on the impact of lengthening the probationary period. The ANS was defeated in a recorded vote (20-14).
    • Lawrence (D-MI) offered an ANS which would strike the bill and allow an agency head to unilaterally affirm an employees’ permanent status 30 days after the 1-year probationary period ends; if the agency head does not act after the 30 day period, the employee automatically receives permanent status. The ANS was defeated by voice vote.
  • HR.4358, the Senior Executive Service Accountability Act (Rep. Walberg, R-MI);
    • The bill was approved in a recorded vote. (21-16)
    • Enhances accountability within SES.
    • Norton (D-DC) offered an amendment striking roughly half of the bill. The amendment was defeated by voice vote.
  • HR. 4360, the Official Personnel File Enhancement Act (Rep. Chaffetz, R-UT);
    • The bill was approved by voice vote, as amended.
    • Provides that an agency must record any adverse findings from a resolved investigation in a separated employee’s official personnel file.
    • Connolly (D-VA) offered an amendment to ensure due process will continue after notation in an employee’s file has been made. The amendment was approved by voice vote.
  • HR. 4359, the Administrative Leave Reform Act (Rep. Chaffetz, R-UT);
    • The bill was withdrawn.
    • Limits the number of days a federal employee may be placed on administrative leave for reasons relating to misconduct or poor performance.