Committee Expands Investigation into Planned Parenthood Videos
Seeks further information from StemExpress and the Center for Medical Progress
WASHINGTON—House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and Health Care, Benefits and Administrative Rules Subcommittee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent letters today to StemExpress and the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) in its ongoing investigation into the use of federal funds in the potentially illegal activity surrounding fetal tissue procurement at Planned Parenthood facilities and affiliates.
Both letters state:
“The Center for Medical Progress recently released videos that implicate Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates in potentially unlawful transactions involving fetal tissue. In the videos, Planned Parenthood representatives discuss the demand for certain body parts, the manner in which patient consent is solicited, pricing considerations, and the methods by which doctors manipulate procedures to ensure that tissues remain intact. For example, in one video, a Planned Parenthood official discusses how doctors modify procedures to preserve intact fetal specimens that can be provided to research firms in exchange for money. The Planned Parenthood official also discusses how reimbursement amounts can be manipulated.”
The Committee is requesting all unedited video footage from CMP relating to the acquisition, preparation, and sale of fetal tissue.
StemExpress has been identified as a company that procured fetal tissue from one or more Planned Parenthood centers. The Committee seeks documents and materials to more fully understand the process by which StemExpress obtained fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood.
On August 14, the Committee sent letters to Planned Parenthood and the HHS inquiring about the role of federal funding in Planned Parenthood operations as well as HHS’ oversight of those funds, including what restrictions or regulations apply to the use of funding provided by HHS to Planned Parenthood or its affiliates.