Déjà Vu: Democrats Unveil $75 Billion Spending Plan
“My plan contains the largest investment increase in our nation’s infrastructure since President Eisenhower created the national highway system half a century ago. We’ll invest more than $100 billion and create nearly 400,000 jobs rebuilding our roads, our railways, our dangerously deficient dams, bridges and levees…” – President Barack Obama, 2/11/2009 in Springfield, VA
WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) released the following statement tonight regarding the proposed $75 billion Democratic year-end “stimulus”:
“The Democrats’ attempts to address the economic crisis have proven a disaster. First, the American people fronted $700 billion of walking-around-money to bailout Wall Street. Then, future generations financed a trillion-dollar stimulus that didn’t create jobs. There was the HOPE for Homeowners program that didn’t save families from foreclosure and the Cash for Clunkers program to save American automobiles that didn’t prevent the government rescuing auto companies from bankruptcy.
“It seems that Congressional Democrats believe that trying the same failed policies again will somehow yield different results. If anything, this proposal underscores what the rest of America has known for the better part of the year – that the first stimulus has failed to do what President Obama and Congressional Democrats promised it would do.”