FITARA Sent to President’s Desk
WASHINGTON – The Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA), co-sponsored by House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Oversight Government Operations Subcommittee Ranking Member Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) today passed the Senate by a vote of 89 to 11 as part of the FY 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and will head to the President’s desk. FITARA will improve how the federal government acquires, implements and manages its information technology investments by giving agency Chief Information Officers (CIOs) more authority over the budget, governance, and personnel processes for agency IT investments, and by improving transparency and review processes of agency IT investments.
“Each year, the federal government spends $80 billion on federal information technology systems, yet much of that is wasted on cost overruns, long delays, and servicing outdated programs,” said Issa. “By giving Chief Information Officers the budgetary authority over what their agency spends on IT, we are putting those who best know technology in charge of buying technology. Our current disjointed and fractured system lacks clear lines of authority and leaves IT decisions in the hands of those with little to no expertise. Long overdue, FITARA fixes this crisis of leadership and puts the federal government in a better position to modernize its systems and save the American taxpayer billions of dollars.”
“The Federal Government remains hamstrung by antiquated laws and bureaucratic practices that stifle innovation and lead to mission-critical IT failures. This not only wastes taxpayer dollars, but also jeopardizes our Nation’s ability to carry out fundamental constitutional responsibilities, from conducting a census, to securing our borders, to caring for our veterans in a timely and effective manner,” Connolly said. “Our bipartisan FITARA is critical first step towards ending this unacceptable and unsustainable status quo.”
FITARA, H.R. 1232, was introduced on March 18th , 2013 and passed the House as a standalone bill on February 25th 2014. On December 4th 2014, it passed the House as part of the NDAA.