House and Senate GOP Leaders Call for Withdrawal of EPA Endangerment Finding, Other Rules Based on Dubious Science Exposed by E-mails
WASHINGTON D.C. – Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), and Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) today in a letter to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson called for a “thorough and transparent investigation into the questions raised by the disclosure of emails from Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia (CRU)” and called on EPA to “withdraw the Proposed Endangerment Finding, as well as the Light Duty Vehicle Rule, and the Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule until the Agency can demonstrate that the science underlying these regulatory decisions has not been compromised.”
The Members and Senators note that the scandal involving suppression of skeptical scientific views on man-made global warming, “involves a number of climate change scientists and institutions that have played prominent roles in the development of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports, most recently, the Fourth Assessment. EPA heavily relied on the IPCC’s findings and conclusions in its development and justification for the controversial proposed Endangerment Finding. Given the multiple regulatory efforts that hinge on the Endangerment Finding and consequently the integrity of the IPCC reports, it is imperative that EPA act swiftly and with transparency to analyze the numerous questions that have been raised by the disclosure of the emails.”
Said Rep. Issa pointing to documented efforts of the Obama Administration to silence critics of climate change: “This Administration used flawed science created by a community of bullies to push through ideologically based policies. The suggestion that there is a scientific consensus on climate change is itself a myth.”
“These e-mails betray the true thoughts and motives of many leading climate scientists,” Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner said. “It shows a pattern that’s closer to scientific fascism than the scientific method.”
“The actions by scientists and others to suppress data that contradicts their conclusions is unacceptable,” said Sen. Barrasso. “The EPA’s climate change regulations are based on compromised scientific reports and heavily flawed data. The EPA must now withdraw all proposed climate change rules and regulations and conduct their own research.”
“The information that is coming to light concerning the data on global climate change looks to be a serious hit to the scientific community, as the Climatic Research Unit in the United Kingdom has been a nerve-center of sorts for global warming research. We have already seen instances of potential data corruption come forth, and further investigations may shed more light that significant biases in the peer review process were present. If so, that is antithetical to the scientific method – good science must present all data, regardless of what you want the conclusion to be,” said Sen. Vitter.
The letter, which is part of a broader investigation being conducted by the members, requests that the agency turn over all documents and records related to the communications or other interactions with the organization embroiled in the Climate dating from March 2007 through December 1, 2009.
Click HERE to read a copy of the letter.