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Press Release Published: Oct 7, 2022

ICYMI: Comer Joins Fox & Friends, Discusses Federal Charges Facing Hunter Biden and Congressional Investigation into the Biden Family’s Influence Peddling

WASHINGTON — House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) joined “Fox and Friends” on Fox News to discuss federal charges facing Hunter Biden. Ranking Member Comer emphasized these charges against Hunter Biden pale in comparison to Hunter Biden and the Biden family’s influence peddling and suspicious foreign business deals with foreign adversaries opposed to U.S. interests.

“These are small potatoes compared to all the problems that Hunter Biden has. There’s mounting evidence that Hunter Biden was peddling access to our adversaries all over the world. The reason we are investigating Hunter Biden is because we believe he is a national security threat. But we are also concerned that Hunter’s shady business dealings have compromised Joe Biden. There are countless examples where Joe Biden has changed the rules, including Congress’s access to suspicious activity reports, which are bank violations that both Hunter and Jim Biden have committed. President Biden has blocked Republican oversight at every corner,” said Ranking Member Comer.

“This impending indictment is just a drop in the bucket. We are going to continue our investigation. We are concerned about the national security threats and influence peddling that not just Hunter Biden, but the Biden family, have been doing for over a decade. And the big question is: was Joe involved? And more evidence shows he was involved,” continued Ranking Member Comer.