Issa Amendment Fixes Flaws in Telecommuting Bill
WASHINGTON, DC – Oversight and Government Reform Committee Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) today offered an amendment in the form of a motion to recommit that was approved by the House of Representatives and paved the way for passage of H.R. 1722. The amendment was approved by a vote of 304-118 and the bill was approved by a vote of 290 to 131.
“The House’s passage of this amendment corrects a number of flaws in the original text, including a cost of $30 million for taxpayers on a bill that was intended to save the federal government money,” said Rep. Issa. “I am pleased the House voted to pass a truly bipartisan bill ensuring that the privilege of teleworking by federal employees is not abused and reduces the deficit.”
A summary of the Issa Motion to Recommit for H.R. 1722 follows below:
- Requires that the head of each agency certify to the Director of the Office of Personel Management that the agency’s proposed telework program will save the agency money before authorizing any employees to telework.
- Makes the following employees ineligible for telework:
- Employees that have been disciplined for viewing, downloading, or exchanging pornography on a Federal government computer or while performing official duties.
- Employees who have been officially disciplined for being absent without permission for more than 5 days in any calendar year.
- Employees who have fraudulently applied for and received LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) for which they are ineligible.
- Employees who have seriously delinquent tax debts.
- Requires employees of the Executive Office of the President to ‘cc’ their official email account on any official business communications that are made on personal email and social media accounts.
- Prohibits employees from engaging in any union or collective bargaining activities while teleworking.