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Press Release Published: Sep 24, 2010

Issa: Do-Nothing Congress an Embarrassment, Refusal to Allow Up-or-Down Vote on Tax Breaks for the American People “Cowardly”

WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) called on Congressional Democrats to take immediate action to extend tax cuts for all Americans before adjourning to convince the very American people who would benefit from those tax cuts to let them keep their job:

“This Congress is redefining the meaning of do-nothing and the fact that Congressional Democrats used their time and effort today to get Stephen Colbert to testify before the House Judiciary Committee while refusing to allow a straight-up-or-down vote on extending tax cuts for all Americans is an embarrassment.  It would be nothing short of cowardly, for this Congress to adjourn before at least trying to have a straight-up-or-down vote on extending tax breaks for the American people.”

The Hill: Issa: Canceled Friday votes ‘an embarrassment’

Friday’s canceled House votes are an “embarrassment,” one leading Republican charged.  Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, chided Democratic leaders for calling off votes on Friday.
Issa tweeted:

Majority Leader cancelled votes for today…this Congress is redefining the meaning of “do-nothing”…what an embarrassment.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) released a statement on Thursday evening announcing no votes for Friday, and votes only for Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Hoyer has said Democrats aim to finish up their business by next Friday, Oct. 1, before lawmakers can return to their districts to campaign.

The lack of votes paints a picture of indecision underlying House Democrats’ strategy. Senate Democrats announced Thursday that they wouldn’t be taking a tough vote on extending tax cuts before the recess. That leaves House Democratic lawmakers, many of them facing tough reelection challenges this fall, with a difficult choice over whether to take what could be a pointless vote on taxes that might be used against them by Republicans.