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Press Release Published: Mar 21, 2013

Issa Praises GOP Budget Passage – House plan balances budget in 10 years, eliminates government waste

WASHINGTON – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (CA-49) today released the following statement on House passage of H. Con. Res. 25, the GOP budget resolution for fiscal year 2014.
“The House GOP plan passed today not only balances the budget in ten years but expands opportunity, creates jobs and removes the economic threat that rising debt and higher taxes poses to the economy. Time and time again, the Oversight Committee has seen government programs enmeshed in waste and abuse left unaddressed, costing taxpayers millions. The American people deserve a government that prioritizes the spending of its scarce resources, simultaneously eliminating wasteful programs and unnecessary spending on agency conferences.
For the last four years, American families and businesses have made tough choices when it comes to their expenditures; it’s about time the government did the same.  I applaud Chairman Paul Ryan and the House Budget Committee for their leadership and putting together this plan which will spur economic growth and get our fiscal house in order.”