Issa Statement on House’s Balanced Budget Proposal
WASHINGTON – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa today offered the following statement on the unveiling of a budget plan by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) that would balance the budget in 10 years:
“I applaud Chairman Ryan for his strong and consistent leadership in reminding all of us that, just as American families have to budget their spending, the federal government should too. Much of the spending reduction targets included in this plan to balance the budget in ten years can be achieved through the elimination of waste and more efficient uses of scarce resources. At the Oversight Committee, we have seen example after example where the federal government has recklessly spent taxpayer dollars. Tightening the belt will force government to live within its means through savings from things like unnecessary conference spending, the adoption of billions in unimplemented recommendations from non-partisan government watchdogs, wasteful Obamacare initiatives, and reforms to entitlement spending programs that are pillaged by waste and fraud.
“Before I came to Congress, as an entrepreneur, I learned that smaller and more efficient government created the best atmosphere for job creation. Now, the best thing government can do to spur economic growth is get its own fiscal house in order. This plan to balance the budget is a responsible effort that puts us on that course.”
Click here for more information on the budget plan unveiled today.