Issa Statement on President’s Health Care Address to Congress
WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) released the following statement on President Barack Obama’s address to Congress on Health Care reform:
“Up to this point, negotiations on health care reform have been driven by a left-wing push toward a public option and an expensive government health care takeover. The American people have rejected this partisan approach.
“After tonight’s speech, and months of unmet promises about working with Republicans on health care, I’m not convinced that the President fully understands the concern Americans have about losing health care choice or their existing coverage.
“The President and Democratic Congressional leaders need to hit the reset button and begin a bipartisan approach to reform that lowers health care costs and insures more Americans.
“I’ve put forward a bill that would allow Americans to sign-up for the same private health care plans that are available to Members of Congress. I’m also ready to support individual solutions such as tort reform, insurance portability, giving Americans with pre-existing conditions affordable options to obtain coverage, and other ideas where I believe consensus could be achieved. If the President and Democratic leaders show they are ready to have a truly open and bipartisan approach to reform, I’m ready to work with them.”