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Press Release Published: Dec 17, 2010

Issa Statement on Tonight’s Tax Cut Vote

WASHINGTON. D.C. – Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), the incoming Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, tonight issued the following statement following the vote to freeze tax rates at the current level for two years, preventing an income tax increase that would have affected all Americans:

“It is embarrassing that Congressional Democrats in the Majority have relegated a decision to avoid a massive and immediate tax increase on all Americans, until the very last possible second thereby putting us in an impossible position to have to decide between the bad and the worse. The reality is there couldn’t be a worse time for the American people to have to absorb another tax increase, so I voted in favor of the only proposal put forward by the Congressional Majority for consideration and sided with the best interests of the American people to protect them from a devastating tax hike.

“The reality is the only way we can have the kind of long-term investment needed to sustain an expansive economic recovery is to provide certainty in our tax system. Institutionalizing a temporary tax code that is up for debate every two years will severely limit the prospects for a long-term recovery. It is my hope that providing the framework for tax certainty will be among the first priorities of the new Congress.
