Issa to Invite Akio Toyoda to Bipartisan-Bicameral Meetings and to Oversight Committee Hearing
WASHINGTON. D.C. – Following reports that Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda is planning to come to the United States to meet with dealers and suppliers, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) said today that he will be inviting Mr. Toyoda to meet with lawmakers on Capitol Hill the week of February 22nd and will be sending a letter to the panel’s Chairman Edolphus Towns (D-NY) requesting that he invite the Toyota CEO to participate in the Committee’s hearing scheduled for Wednesday, February 24th at 10 a.m.:
“Given the number of outstanding questions surrounding Toyota’s relationship with U.S. regulators and in the best interests of moving forward, I’d like to help facilitate a dialogue between Mr. Toyoda and lawmakers from both parties and both chambers,” Issa said. “I would think that Mr. Toyoda would be receptive to the opportunity to meet with policymakers and there certainly is widespread interest from Capitol Hill and the American people to hear directly from him.”
The Oversight panel’s hearing was initially scheduled for today, but was postponed as a result of the blizzard blanketing Washington and surrounding areas.
“It seems as if the delay due to the snowstorm has given us an opportunity to add to this hearing and provide a forum for both Mr. Toyoda and lawmakers to have an open exchange in front of the American people,” Issa said. “This has to be a fact-based hearing and we may have an opportunity to hear directly from someone who I am sure is eager to communicate with both Congress and the public.”