Oversight Chairman Issa Statement on Minnesota Medicaid Refund Decision
Decision Comes Just Before Scheduled Oversight Hearing on Issue
(WASHINGTON)—Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) released the following statement regarding a Minnesota decision to refund $15 million to federal taxpayers following Congressional oversight of its Medicaid program. The decision comes just a day ahead of a joint Oversight Subcommittee hearing to be held Wednesday by Subcommittee Chairmen Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Jim Jordan (R-OH).
“Thanks to rigorous oversight, federal taxpayers will receive a $15 million refund of waste and abuse in the Medicaid system.
“Faced with a Wednesday hearing before the House Oversight Committee, the State of Minnesota today ended its denial of a refund to federal taxpayers over a so-called ‘donation’ it received from UCare, a Medicaid contractor.
“Senator Grassley deserves credit for his dogged investigation of this issue. In addition, a whistleblower will speak at our hearing on Wednesday about the true origin of the so-called $30 million ‘donation’ from Medicaid contractor UCare. Today’s action underscores the importance of our hearings and continued investigation into Medicaid mismanagement.”
Information on the joint Subcommittee hearing is available here.