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Press Release Published: Jan 25, 2011

Oversight Committee Adopts Rules for 112th Congress, Organizes Subcommittees

WASHINGTON D.C. – Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., announced today the full list of committee membership and subcommittee assignments and, along with the committee rules, after presiding over the organizational meeting of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee for the 112th Congress,. “The Oversight Committee is officially up and running. Our first hearing, conducting oversight of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, will take place tomorrow,” Issa said, referring to the committee’s first hearing scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m. The Committee will hear from Neil Barofsky, Special Inspector General, Troubled Asset Relief Program and Tim Massad, Acting Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability from the Department of Treasury.

The Oversight and Government Reform Committee Rules are available at The full list of committee membership and subcommittee assignments for the committee is as follows:

Full Membership of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform


Darrell Issa (CA), Chairman

Dan Burton (IN)

John L. Mica (FL)

Michael R. Turner (OH)

Patrick T. McHenry (NC)

Jim Jordan (OH)

Jason Chaffetz (UT)

Connie Mack (FL)

Tim Walberg (MI)

James Lankford (OK)

Justin Amash (MI)

Ann Marie Buerkle (NY)

Paul Gosar (AZ)

Raul Labrador (ID)

Pat Meehan (PA)

Scott DesJarlais (TN)

Jow Walsh (IL)

Trey Gowdy (SC)

Dennis Ross (FL)

Frank Guinta (NH)

Blake Farenthold (TX)

Mike Kelly (PA)


Elijah Cummings (MD)

Edolphus Towns (NY)

Carolyn B. Maloney (NY)

Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC)

Dennis J. Kucinich (OH)

John Tierney (MA)

Wm. Lacy Clay (MO)

Stephen Lynch (MA)

Jim Cooper (TN)

Gerald Connolly (VA)

Mike Quigley (IL)

Danny K. Davis (IL)

Bruce Braley (IA)

Peter Welch (VT)

John Yarmuth (KY)

Christopher Murphy (CT)

Jackie Speier (CA)

Click here for a full list of subcommittee memberships.
