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Press Release Published: Oct 7, 2011

Oversight Committee Chairman Issa Statement on Latest U.S. Unemployment Data Release

(WASHINGTON)—House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) today released the following statement regarding the latest federal unemployment data reported this morning:

“The American people continue to pay the price for an environment President Obama has created that has paralyzed private enterprises’ ability to create jobs. The regulatory tsunami the President has presided over threatens our nation’s ability to be innovative and prosperous.

“Through, we have heard the personal stories from businesses large and small about how onerous regulations and investment uncertainty have impeded their ability to grow.

“President Obama has proposed more government spending, increased deficits and new programs—but as job creators have repeatedly told our Committee, more government is not the solution–it is the problem. Reducing government spending, cutting red tape, waste and regulations, and creating a business and entrepreneur-friendly environment will achieve our shared goal of economic growth and job creation.”
