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Press Release
Issa Statement on ATVM Loan Program Renewal

Washington, D.C. – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) today made the following statement on the Department of Energy’s decision to renew their Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) loans program: “Despite the Energy Department’s appalling track record of loan programs, which put taxpayer money on the line to

Press Release
Issa Praises GOP Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON – Today, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., released the following statement on the Republican budget proposal released by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wisc.: “The budget proposal takes smart, sensible steps to restrain the growth of government, reduce rampant waste, and balance the budget over the next 10 years. I applaud Chairman Ryan for ...

Press Release
Joint Subcommittee Hearing to Examine Problems with ObamaCare State Exchanges

WASHINGTON – Top officials from six state health insurance exchanges will testify Thursday, April 3rd in a House Oversight and Government Reform joint subcommittee hearing entitled, “Examining ObamaCare’s Problem-Filled State Exchanges.” This will be a joint hearing by the Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Job Creation and Regulatory Affairs, chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan ...

Press Release
Issa and Grassley Question ATF about Disciplinary Action Taken against Key Operation Fast and Furious Players

“While several ATF officials chose to retire or leave ATF in the wake of Fast and Furious rather than face discipline, it is our understanding that ATF continues to employ three key players from Fast and Furious..."

Press Release
Issa Statement on Key Operation Fast and Furious Official’s Disciplinary Action by the Arizona State Bar

“Burke’s acknowledgement of wrongdoing to an Arizona court underscores the importance of ongoing federal court litigation the House Oversight Committee is pursuing as a result of the bipartisan 2012 vote to hold U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for refusing to produce subpoenaed documents. These documents will shed light on the nature of the Department’s false denials of improper conduct and its response to Congress, including misconduct of which Dennis Burke was aware, ...

Press Release
Oversight Leaders Seek More Information From States on ObamaCare Exchange Testing

“Due to the decision of the Obama Administration to launch the exchanges on October 1, 2013, before states could properly test their systems and government security experts could properly review security documentation and address known problems, the personal information of millions of Americans who have sought to obtain coverage through the exchanges was put at risk ,” the letters, sent Tuesday and signed by Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., Subcommittee Chairman James Lankford, R-Okla., and ...

Press Release
House Counsel: Oversight Committee Can Hold Lerner in Contempt

“First, the Committee formally rejected her Fifth Amendment claims and expressly advised her of its determination (a fact that she, through her attorney, acknowledged prior to her appearance at the reconvened hearing on March 5, 2014),” the counsel writes, referring to the June 28, 2013 vote that determined Lerner had waived her Fifth Amendment rights. “Second, the Committee Chairman thereafter advised Ms. Lerner in writing that the Committee expected her to answer its questions, and ...

Press Release
Issa, Quigley Host Transparency Caucus Event on Open Data and Job Creation

“Only by opening up government spending data can we see exactly what our government is doing with our money. No other data set is as central to government management and transparency. At the same time, making all federal spending information useful by publishing it in a machine readable format can boost economic growth and create jobs. Companies will be able to analyze government data against other data sets, allowing them to add value and sell their services to a wide variety of ...

Press Release
Issa Presses IRS Commissioner on Outstanding Targeting Scandal Document Requests Ahead of Wednesday Hearing

WASHINGTON – Today, in advance of Wednesday’s hearing on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)’s inappropriate targeting of conservative groups, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., sent a letter to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen detailing specific and longstanding priority document requests the agency has still not fulfilled. “As you prepare for ...

Press Release
Issa, Mica Press OMB to Deliver Promised Federal Real Property Documents

Letter Raises Possibility of Subpoena for Federal Real Property Documents WASHINGTON - House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., raised the possibility of subpoenaing the Office of Management and Budget for documents related to federal real property holdings, which the agency promised to produce in December 2011 but still has not ...