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Press Release
Issa Subpoenas EPA for Pebble Mine Documents

On March 14, 2014, Chairman Issa, Subcommittee Chairman James Lankford, R-Okla., and Subcommittee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, sent a letter to EPA Inspector General Arthur Elkins, Jr. requesting an investigation into the EPA’s decision to rely on a rarely-used provision of the Clean Water Act to preemptively veto the proposed Pebble Project.

Press Release
Issa and Jordan to Holder: Provide Details on Lerner Interview

“For over eight months, the Committee has sought to carry out its oversight obligations in concert with the Department of Justice’s law-enforcement duties,” wrote Chairman Issa and Chairman Jordan. “At every stage, the Department has refused to fully cooperate with the Committee.”

Press Release
Oversight Leaders Question Treasury Authority to Unilaterally Delay ObamaCare’s Employer Mandate

“The Committee is concerned that, as part of its role in the law’s implementation, the Department of Treasury is intentionally disregarding core statutory requirements of the law,” the letter, sent on March 18th and signed by Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., Subcommittee Chairman James Lankford, R-Okla., and Subcommittee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, states. “These concerns are compounded by serious questions about the constitutionality of the Department’s actions.”

Press Release
After a Year of Administration Stonewalling, Issa Subpoenas ATF Storefront Sting Documents

WASHINGTON – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) subpoenaed the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) for documents relating to the ATF’s nationwide storefront sting operations yesterday evening.  ATF carried out these storefront sting operations across the country, from Oregon to Florida, and utilized deplorable tactics including exploiting mentally disabled individuals to generate business and later arresting them, setting ...

Press Release
Oversight Committee Probes Potential White House Hatch Act Violations

“The Hatch Act requires a clear dichotomy between the constitutional and statutory duties officials and any political or campaign-related activities in which they engage,” said Issa in the letter to Denis McDonough. The letter continues: “Unfortunately, it appears the White House has determined it is appropriate to use taxpayer money in an effort to achieve electoral success.”

Press Release
Issa Statement on Pentagon Security Clearance Report

“The Department of Defense reports released this morning concur with the findings of the Committee's Staff Report released on February 11, 2014,” said Chairman Issa. “The Department and the Committee both concluded that Aaron Alexis could have been stopped and his clearance could have been pulled before the Navy Yard shooting if all information available was properly obtained and reported. Additionally, the Department recognizes that the federal security clearance process must be fixed ...

Press Release
Oversight Committee Passes Bipartisan Bills to Improve Federal Worker Savings, Whistleblower Protections

“The Smart Savings Act will ensure that workers who are planning ahead for retirement are investing in an account that works for them at every stage of their career,” Chairman Issa said. “Currently, the default fund is comprised of government securities, which historically provide very low returns. The mix of offerings in an L Fund is designed to give higher returns, while decreasing risk as individuals near retirement. According to the TSP, making L Funds the default investment can help ...

Press Release
Oversight Report: Lois Lerner’s Role in IRS Targeting

“In the wake of Ms. Lerner’s refusal to testify and answer questions, this report offers detailed evidence about steps she took to crack down on organizations that exercised their Constitutional rights to free political speech,” said Chairman Issa. “She involved herself in efforts to apply unprecedented scrutiny to new applicants, existing organizations, and to write new rules after President Obama and other prominent Democrats expressed outrage at the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ...

Press Release
Seven Questions Lois Lerner wouldn’t answer at Yesterday’s Hearing: Will House Democrats answer them today?

1. In October 2010, Lerner told a Duke University group: “The Supreme Court dealt a huge blow, overturning a 100-year-old precedent that basically corporations couldn’t give directly to political campaigns.  And everyone is up in arms because they don’t like it.  The Federal Election Commission can’t do anything about it.  They want the IRS to fix the problem.” Who exactly wanted the IRS to “fix the problem” caused by Citizens United? 2. In February 2011, ...

Press Release
Issa Statement on Latest ObamaCare Delay

“The latest delay underscores the President’s misguided fixation on political gains over the disastrous impact ObamaCare is having on Americans. This move is a cynical ploy that delays thousands of insurance policy cancellations until after the elections, in the hopes that Americans won’t notice the spiking premiums and shrinking options they face under the President’s health care law. Nothing, however, can distract from the fact that the President blatantly broke his promise that ‘if ...