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Press Release
Issa Statement on USPS Reversal of Decision to Modify Six-Day Delivery

"I am disappointed that the Postal Service has backed away from plans to implement a modified Saturday delivery schedule that polling indicates the American people understand and support...

Press Release
ADVISORY: Oversight Subcommittee Considers Changes to Federal Employee Health Plans

On Thursday, the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, U.S. Postal Service and the Census, chaired by Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX), will hold a hearing on the Federal Employee’s Health Benefits Program (FEHBP).

Press Release
Oversight Committee Prompts $1.2 Billion in Medicaid Savings

“The new payment rate confirms that HHS has been overpaying the State of New York billions of dollars over the past two decades for this Medicaid funded service, in violation of federal law,” said Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif.

Press Release
VIDEO RELEASE: Meet Your Oversight Watchdogs: Rep. Ron DeSantis

“We’ve seen this Administration rack up trillion dollar deficits for four consecutive years … if we continue on our current course we will have a national debt of $20 trillion when this president leaves office.”

Press Release
Issa Praises GOP Budget Passage – House plan balances budget in 10 years, eliminates government waste

“The House GOP plan passed today not only balances the budget in ten years but expands opportunity, creates jobs and removes the economic threat that rising debt and higher taxes poses to the economy...."

Press Release
Coburn and Issa to USPS: Use Your Authority to Proceed with Modified Six-Day Delivery Plans

“[T]he Board of Governors has a fiduciary responsibility to utilize its legal authority to implement modified 6-day mail delivery as recently proposed,” the letter continues. “The deficits incurred by the Postal Service and the low level of liquidity under which it is operating leaves it in a perilous position..."

Press Release
Oversight Advances FOIA 2013 and Other Transparency Bills

“The FOIA Oversight and Implementation Act ensures that many of the legislative and executive actions taken over the past two decades to improve agency response to requests are fully implemented,” said Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif.

Press Release
Oversight Committee Passes Information Technology and Cybersecurity Reforms

“These critical bills lay the groundwork for saving taxpayer money and protecting our information from cyber attacks,” said Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif. “Our update to the decade old Federal Information Security Management Act will enhance our cybersecurity...."

Press Release
Oversight Committee Advances Bills to Cut Travel Waste, Sell Excess Federal Property, and Hold Tax Evading Federal Workers and Contractors Accountable

“Taxpayers have lost all faith that their government has respect for their hard earned money,” said Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif. “These reforms will cut back on wasteful spending, and hold federal employees and contractors who refuse to pay their taxes accountable.”

Press Release
VIDEO RELEASE – “No Leadership, No Responsibility, No Tours”

"It’s telling that the President would rather cancel White House tours during the most popular tourist season than roll up his sleeves and get to work fixing our nation’s spending crisis.”