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Press Release
Issa Statement on Ranking Member Elijah Cummings’ Assertion on CNN SOTU that IRS Targeting is already ‘Solved’

"I strongly disagree with Ranking Member Cummings' assertion that we know everything we need to know about inappropriate targeting of Tea Party groups by the IRS and the case is, in his word, 'solved.' His extreme and reckless assertions are a signal that his true motivation is stopping needed Congressional oversight..."

Press Release
Oversight Releases IG Report on IRS Conference Spending, Hearing Thursday

“The wasteful Anaheim conference is one example of a culture of excess that plagues the IRS and many federal agencies,” said Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif. “Taxpayer money meant to pay for a core agency mission, the hiring of more enforcement personnel, was instead spent on a lavish party."

Press Release
Issa Talks IRS Targeting Investigation, Previews Thursday’s IRS Conference Spending Hearing on CNN SOTU

“As late as last week, the administration was still trying to say the [IRS targeting scandal] was from a few rogue agents in Cincinnati, when in fact the indication is that they were directly being ordered from Washington,” Issa told CNN.

Press Release
Issa Announces Hearing on Excessive Spending at IRS Conferences

“The IRS is an agency in crisis," said Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif. "The American people expect that their tax-dollars will be used responsibly and not for financing lavish hotel suites and entertainment for government employees..."

Press Release
Memo From Leader Cantor, Chairman Camp, and Chairman Issa on Political Bias at IRS

MEMORANDUM TO: All House Members FR: Majority Leader Cantor, Chairman Camp, and Chairman Issa DT: Friday, May 17, 2013 RE: Ways and Means and Oversight and Government Reform Committees’ Investigation into Political Bias at the IRS On May 10, 2013, during an appearance at the American Bar Association, Lois Lerner, the director of the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt groups, acknowledged that the agency has been targeting conservative-leaning political organizations.  ...

Press Release
Oversight Committee Subpoenas State Department for Withheld Benghazi Talking Point Documents

The State Department has not lived up to the Administration’s broad and unambiguous promises of cooperation with Congress. Therefore, I am left with no alternative but to compel the State Department to produce relevant documents through a subpoena...”

Press Release
ARB Co-chair Agrees to Voluntarily Appear for Transcribed Interview with Investigators

"Today, Ambassador Pickering reached an agreement with the Oversight Committee to voluntarily appear for a transcribed interview and answer all questions posed by Committee investigators,” said Chairman Darrell Issa.

Press Release
Oversight Committee Approves Bipartisan DATA Act

“The DATA Act is a significant step toward a more open, and thus more accountable, government,” said Chairman Issa. “Americans have a right to know how their tax dollars are being spent and I believe more transparency will lead to less waste, fraud, and abuse of federal funds.”

Press Release
Oversight Leaders Introduce Bipartisan DATA ACT

“The American people deserve accurate, timely, and complete checkbook level spending information,” said Chairman Issa. “The DATA Act will standardize and open federal spending data so that those inside and outside of government..."

Press Release
Oversight Announces IRS Hearing Next Week

“The IG report indicts IRS for a colossal management failure, but leaves many questions unanswered,” said Chairman Issa.