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Press Release
Oversight Report on NLRB Finds Pro Union Bias, Ex Parte Communication Violations

The report details how the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) appears to have shifted from an equitable treatment of job creators and labor unions under previous Administrations to a politicized pro-union bias under the Obama Administration.

Press Release
Members Respond to Report Detailing Ongoing U.S. Army Payroll Problems; Urge Corrective Action

"We have an obligation to ensure that taxpayers' money is well spent, but we also have a duty to men and women of our armed forces to ensure they receive prompt, accurate pay. GAO's audit of the Army's payroll system finds that we are failing on both fronts."

Press Release
Issa Statement on FHFA IG Report Finding Need for Continued Improvement in Compensation Practices at Fannie/Freddie

“The report issued today by the FHFA Inspector General indicates clear progress after the Committee’s calls last year for reform of lavish executive compensation packages at taxpayer-funded Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,” said Chairman Issa.

Press Release
Issa Statement on Operation Fast and Furious Figure Gary Grindler’s Departure from DOJ

“Gary Grindler was appropriately faulted by his Department’s own Inspector General for keeping information about a connection between the murder of a Border Patrol Agent and a mishandled department operation away from the Attorney General and the Department of Homeland Security.” said Chairman Darrell Issa.

Press Release
Issa Statement on Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act Signing

“The Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act represents years of bipartisan, bicameral work. The bill signed into law today will help Congress stand behind those federal employees who help us protect the American people and their hard-earned tax dollars."

Press Release
Whistleblower Protection Bill Heads to President for Signature

“The Senate’s passage of the House amended version of the Whistleblower Protection Act will offer additional protections to those looking to stop waste, fraud, and mismanagement in government."

Press Release
Issa Announces Height Act Study to Begin Next Month

“As time has elapsed and opportunities for economic growth in our nation’s capital continue to present themselves, this study will help Congress and local leaders evaluate the case for expanding existing boundaries for vertical growth.”

Press Release
Record State Dinner Spending at Obama White House [VIDEO]

“During these tough economic times, Americans are reining in their spending wherever possible. The Executive Branch should be mindful of this. Reports of excessively lavish events, however, indicate the opposite."

Press Release
Oversight Queries Clinton on New Documents Indicating Involvement of Libyan Government Personnel in Benghazi Attacks

“These documents paint a disturbing picture indicating that elements of the Libyan government might have been complicit in the September 11, 2012 attack on the compound and the murder of four Americans."

Press Release
Oversight Report Finds President Obama’s Real Energy Strategy is “None of the Below”

“This report details numerous specific rules and regulatory actions advanced by the Obama Administration which will severely restrict the development of abundant and reliable energy resources,” Chairman Issa said.